Monday, 22 February 2010

Ashford part one

Ashford says there things transfer,
Character, World and [*insert later] between media products.

Characters easily transfer through media products as personalities can easily be reproduced across formats. Basic personality traits, emotional responces and such can be written same across all styles/modes of presentation.
There is however one exception, from games to films/books. Because of the interactivity of games the players character experiences a level of customisation.Be it Mass Effect where you can choose multiple decisions and other medias are unable to play out scenarios for all because of extra time and needs the additional parts would need; or Final Fantasy where while the protagonist goes through the same motions both in game and storytelling cutscenes, the method of play can be different.

An Example of this is one player may have cloud use certain summons in the game and never attack or another player may only use attacks or magic. Because of this it is impossible for a film or book to replicate all these versions of the same character. So like with the case of advent children they use the very core base of character the moodey loner, the look, and a basic feel for the defauls of character leaving out many of ways people would play as him in game.

This is not nessesarily a bad thing but a nessesity for none interactive media outlets that either can not support multiple options or the time and manpower required to get the hours of extra footage would be so rediculously costly it is not possible.

The world/universe is the other replicated thing. Star Wars and it's universe is one of the biggest and most replicated of these. Key places both seen and mentioned in films have been designed and redone throughout games, animations, manga, and across the media spectrum. Signiture worlds and places relation have created maps so much so that these places are in effect like our own world.

As such they are replicatable like our own world and easily put across medias. Signiture visuals replicated in both game and film.

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